Omni TV Mandarin News – Hakka Immigration Documentary Debuts at Reelworld Film Festival!
纪录片 – 我父亲的海上生活日记- Oct 14, 2021 (ON)
一部讲述客家华人移民牙买加寻求更好生活的纪录片 – 我父亲的海上生活日记,即将在今年的第21届多伦多ReelWorld电影节举行全球首映,这部纪录片的制片人兼导演丶资深电影人江明月, 特别接受了本台的专访。
Documentary- A Brief Record of My Father’s Time at Sea-Oct 14, 2021 (ON) A documentary about the Hakka Chinese emigrating to Jamaica seeking a better life- A Brief Record of My father’s Time at Sea, will premier at the 21st Toronto ReelWorld Film Festival this year. The documentary is the producer, director and senior filmmaker. Jeanette Kong (Jiang Mingyue), in particular, accepted an exclusive interview with this station.